Ilayathalapathy Vijay who has been struggling to establish himself in Telugu scored a decent hit with Adhirindi. Now he is back with his recent film titled Sarkar. AR Murugadoss is the director and Keerthy Suresh is the heroine.
Sarkar opened with a bang after it released during Diwali. The film collected a theatrical share of Rs 8.45 crores in its final run across AP and Telangana. Sun Pictures are the producers and here are the closing collections of Sarkar:
Nizam: Rs 2.60 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 1.92 Cr
Vizag: Rs 0.90 Cr
Guntur: Rs 0.86 Cr
East: Rs 0.60 Cr
West: Rs 0.50 Cr
Krishna: Rs 0.72 Cr
Nellore: Rs 0.35 Cr
AP and Telangana: Rs 8.45 Cr