Tamil Superstar Vijay is slowly making his impact across the Telugu states after all the top Tamil actors including Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan lost their market and hold in AP and Telangana. His recent offering Whistle opened on a decent note across the Telugu states. The theatrical rights of the film are picked up for Rs 10.5 crores in AP and Telangana. The film opened with positive note all over.
Whistle collected a theatrical share of Rs 2.63 crores in AP and Telangana. The Saturday and Sunday numbers are expected to be decent and the film will end up as a safe project going with the trend. Atlee is the director and Vijay, Nayanthara played the lead roles in Whistle. AGS Entertainments are the producers and AR Rahman is the music director. Here are the first day collections of Whistle:
Nizam: Rs 0.71 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 0.56 Cr
Vizag: Rs 0.24 Cr
East: Rs 0.19 Cr
West: Rs 0.13 Cr
Guntur: Rs 0.56 Cr
Krishna: Rs 0.14 Cr
Nellore: Rs 0.10 Cr
AP and Telangana: Rs 2.63 Cr