Young Rebelstar Prabhas’s recent offering Saaho witnessed a huge dip in the collections on its sixth day of its box-office run. After dropping down on Tuesday, the film witnessed huge drop on Wednesday. The numbers are expected to tumble down in the coming days and the theatrical business is expected to close by this weekend. Saaho collected a theatrical share of Rs 72.63 crores in six days across AP and Telangana.
The theatrical right of Saaho are sold out for Rs 125 crores and the buyers will be left in huge losses. Sujeeth is the director and UV Creations bankrolled Saaho. Shraddha Kapoor is the leading lady and Neil Nitin Mukesh essayed the role of the lead antagonist. UV Creations produced Saaho and here are the six days collections of Saaho:
Nizam: Rs 25.60 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 10.55 Cr
VizagL Rs 8.69 Cr
Guntur: Rs 7.39 Cr
East: Rs 6.75 Cr
West: Rs 5.14 Cr
Krishna: Rs 4.69 Cr
Nellore: Rs 3.82 Cr