Young and promising actor Bellamkonda Sreenivas tasted a series of debacles in his career. The actor bounced back recently with Raakshasudu which raked decent numbers in its final run. The actor is on a break and is in talks for a bunch of interesting projects. He was in talks for Tiger Nageshwara Rao’s biopic and the film is now put on hold.
As per the latest update, Bellamkonda Sreenivas signed a comic caper in the direction of Trinadha Rao Nakkina. The young director directed movies like Cinema Choopista Mama, Nenu Local and Hello Guru Prema Kosame in the past. He is in talks with Venkatesh for an action drama that is put on hold. Bellamkonda Sreenivas loved the script and signed the film. Top producer Dil Raju will bankroll this untitled project.