Top director AR Murugadoss who has been badly criticized for his work in Spyder tested his luck again with Sarkar. Vijay and Keerthy Suresh played the lead roles in this political drama that released on November 6th. The film grossed Rs 100 crores in just two days and created enough buzz. At the same time, controversies triggered after some of the AIADMK leaders felt that a character in the film has been inspired from Tamil Nadu Ex Chief Minister Jayalalithaa.
Tamil Nadu Minister Kadambur Raju even warned AR Murugadoss to chop off the controversial episodes. Last night cops approached the residence of AR Murugadoss but returned back as he was unavailable. “Police had come to my house late tonight and banged the door several times.Since I was not there they left the premises. Right now I was told there is no police outside my house” tweeted AR Murugadoss. Several celebrities took twitter to support AR Murugadoss.
Police had come to my house late tonight and banged the door several times.Since I was not there they left the premises. Right now I was told there is no police outside my house.
— A.R.Murugadoss (@ARMurugadoss) November 8, 2018
After enquiring about A.R.Murugadoss’ whereabouts police have left his residence since he was not there.
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) November 8, 2018