Tamil top actor Vijay has been struggling to make an impact in Telugu cinema. His next film Sarkar is carrying huge buzz and is said to be a political thriller directed by AR Murugadoss. Keerthy Suresh and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar are the heroines in Sarkar and the film has been produced by Sun Pictures. Sarkar is hitting the screens in record number of screens in Tamil and Telugu languages. Here is the complete review of Sarkar:
Sundar Ramaswamy (Vijay) is an NRI who resides in USA is the CEO of a corporate firm. With due respect on his country, he returns to Chennai to caste his vote in the elections. In a shock, his vote gets misused after which he approaches the Election Commission. An emergency order gets issued to stop the swearing ceremony of the Chief Minister. The rest of Sarkar is all about how Sundar takes on the current political system and how he takes the lead in the race. Watch Sarkar to know about the complete story.
Vijay and his outstanding performance
Action episodes
First half
Couple of songs
Cinematography and production values
Poor second half
Restricted political drama
Limited appeal
Tamil flavored
Vijay as usual looks stunning and his body language is a treat. He excelled in the songs and in the action episodes. Vijay is the major highlight of Sarkar. Keerthy Suresh looks decent and performed well though she has been restricted to songs. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar gets a challenging role and she has been a treat. Radha Ravi and Yogi Babu looked thoroughly impressive. All the other actors have been decent.
Sarkar lacks a strong point and it has been restricted with a lose political drama. The screenplay and dialogues have been penned considering Vijay and some of them worked out well. The music has been decent and couple of songs have been shot well. The action episodes are the other highlights of Sarkar. The production values have been grand and AR Murugadoss steps out with one more bland and poor script that fails to impress the audience.
Final Word:
Vijay steps out with one more disappointment and Sarkar falls flat because of the poor second half. A disappointing political drama.
Review: 2.5/5