Anil Ravipudi impressed Venkatesh and Varun Tej with a script and the film has been titled F2: Fun and Frustration. The entire shoot of the film has been called off and the post-production work is on cards. A grand audio release event took place last night in Vizag and the music album composed by Devi Sri Prasad has been unveiled. The entire music album sounds quite impressive and strikes hard.
Devi Sri Prasad managed to come up with one of the best albums in the recent times after a disappointing album like Vinaya Vidheya Rama. The tunes have been melodious and the lyrics have been soothing. On the whole, F2 music album has some interesting tunes that will cater to all the sections of audience. Dil Raju is producing F2 and this fun filled entertainer will release on January 12th all over.