For the first time, Victory Venkatesh and Naga Chaitanya are teaming up for an emotional family entertainer titled Venky Mama. The film is directed by KS Ravindra (Bobby). The film after a huge delay has been announced for release on December 13th across the globe. The makers kick-started the promotions recently and all the lead actors are busy promoting the film. Venky Mama completed all the censor formalities recently.
The film has been passed without a single cut and it was awarded U/A certificate. The censor board officials lauded the film and the emotional content in the second half. S Thaman’s music album is already trending across the music circles. Payal Rajput and Rashi Khanna are the leading ladies in Venky Mama. Suresh Productions and People Media Factory bankrolled Venky Mama which is announced for December 13th release across the globe.