Bollywood beauty Kiara Advani has done two Telugu films: Bharat Ane Nenu and Vinaya Vidheya Rama. The actress shifted her base to Bollywood as she had ample films in Hindi. Despite of getting Telugu offers, Kiara Advani rejected the movies due to her busy schedules. The latest update is that Kiara Advani has been roped in to romance Varun Tej in his upcoming project that is yet to be titled.
Kiran Korrapati is making his debut as director with this sports drama. Kiara Advani loved the role and she gave her nod for the project. The regular shoot commences early next year and Varun Tej is being trained in boxing for the film. He is trained in Mumbai currently and the film will be made on a budget of Rs 40 crores. Allu Arjun’s elder brother Allu Bobby will bankroll this project. The film releases during the second half of next year.