Superstar Rajinikanth is back with a bang with his recent outing 2.0 directed by Shankar. The film released across the globe on November 29th in various languages in record number of screens. The film collected a theatrical share of Rs 127.4 crores across the globe in its first weekend which is decent. The film’s theatrical rights have been sold out for Rs 400 crores.
The grand visuals and the top notch VFX work has been receiving thumping response from the audience. AR Rahman is the music composer and Nirav Shah is the cinematographer. Lyca Productions bankrolled the film on a lavish budget of Rs 600 crores. Here are the four days collections of 2.0 across the country:
Nizam: Rs 13.70 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 4.90 Cr
Vizag: Rs 4.28 Cr
East: Rs 2.46 Cr
West: Rs 1.71 Cr
Krishna: Rs 2 Cr
Guntur: Rs 2.59 Cr
Nellore: Rs 1.36 Cr
AP and Telangana: Rs 33 Cr
Tamil Nadu: Rs 31.9 Cr
Karnataka: Rs 10.4 Cr
Kerala: Rs 5.3 Cr
Rest of India: Rs 46.8 Cr
All India Total: Rs 127.4 Cr