Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has been running in his best phase in his career now. The top actor is delivering 2-3 hits every year and is quite consistent. With his movies doing huge business, Akshay Kumar even hiked his remuneration. The actor is busy with films Good Newwz, Sooryavanshi, Laxmmi Bomb and Bachchan Pandey which are under shoot and will release soon. The actor is on a signing spree and he is all set to team up with Vashu Bhagnani and Nikkhil Advani for a big-budget project next year.
For the first time, Akshay Kumar will be charging Rs 100 crores as remuneration for the film. This is the first time a Bollywood actor is charging Rs 100 crores (excluding the profits) for a film. Akshay Kumar is said to have surpassed top actors like Aamir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan with his remuneration. The film is said to be an action thriller and will be extensively shot in London. Two top actresses will play female leads in this film.