Superstar Rajinikanth’s recent offerings did not do well in Telugu. After a series of flops, he is in plans to bounce back with Darbar which is said to be a mass entertainer that is directed by AR Murugadoss. The makers already announced that the film will release during Sankranthi 2020 season. Rajinikanth is also keen on having a wide Telugu release for the film and the Telugu rights are picked up by NV Prasad, Dil Raju and Vamshi Krishna Reddy.
As per the latest news, Darbar will release on January 9th 2020 in Telugu and Tamil languages. Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru and Allu Arjun’s Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo are the films that will release during the season. Rajinikanth is in plans to release his film on 9th so that Darbar gets decent number of screens in Telugu. Nayanthara is the female lead and Anirudh is the music composer. Lyca Productions are the producers. Rajinikanth will be seen essaying a dual role in Darbar.