The release dates between the Sankranthi biggies created enough confusion among the fans and the trade circles. Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru and Allu Arjun’s Ala Vaikunthapurramulo have been announced for January 12th release and are set for a massive clash. Rajinikanth’s next outing Darbar is slated for release during the season and the makers initially considered January 10th as the release date.
With Sarileru Neekevvaru and Ala Vaikunthapurramulo releasing on January 12th, Darbar may now release across the globe in Telugu and Tamil on January 14th. AR Murugadoss is the director and an official announcement about the release date of the film will be made soon. Dil Raju, NV Prasad and Vamshi Krishna Reddy will distribute the Telugu version of the film. Lyca Productions bankrolled this mass entertainer and Nayanthara is the leading lady.