Vikram Kumar is one of the most talented South Indian directors. After a series of hits, his recent outings Hello and Gang Leader tanked at the Tollywood box-office. The ace director is busy penning a script and he met Ram Charan recently. Charan loved the plot and asked him to pen the complete script and narrate it to him at the earliest. Vikram Kumar along with a team of writers is currently busy with the script.
If things fall in place, the regular shoot will commence during the end of 2020 once Charan completes his commitments. Along with these, Charan is also in talks with Vamshi Paidipally and Koratala Siva for some big-budget projects. Vikram Kumar needs a solid hit to bounce back and stand in the league. We have to wait to see if Vikram impresses Charan with the draft. DVV Danayya will produce this project.