Natural Star Nani is left delighted with the super success of Jersey. He is busy shooting for his next film which is titled Gang Leader. Directed by Vikram Kumar, the shoot of this action thriller is put on hold after Nani injured his leg on the sets. Priyanka Arul Mohan has been roped in as the film’s leading lady. The film hits the screens during August and Mythri Movie Makers are the producers.
As per the latest update, Priyanka Arul Mohan signed her second Telugu movie even before the release of her first. Priyanka Arul Mohan has been roped in as the female lead in Sharwanand’s upcoming romantic drama. Debutant Kishorudu will direct the film and the regular shoot starts later this year. The pre-production work of the film is on and Sharwanand will join the sets once he wraps up the shoot of 96 remake.