Natural Star Nani is lined up with films despite of a series of debacles. His theatrical market is stable and the actor is shooting for an action thriller ‘V’ which is in the final stages of shoot. Nani will start shooting for Shiva Nirvana’s romantic entertainer from early next year. The project is aimed for Summer 2020 release and will be produced by Shine Screens.
As per the latest update, Nani signed one more new film. Taxiwaala director Rahul Sankrityan narrated a script to Nani and the actor was completely excited. The actor signed the film instantly and the regular shoot commences during the second half of 2020. Rahul is currently busy with the script work. Suryadevara Naga Vamsi will produce this prestigious project on Sithara Entertainments banner. The film releases during the end of 2020.