This year-end during December, a bunch of films are all set to test their luck. As per the update, Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently busy with the shoot of his next film Ruler and the film releases on December 20th. KS Ravikumar is the director and C Kalyan is the producer. Sai Dharam Tej is shooting for Prathi Roju Pandaage and the makers are keen on releasing the film during the Christmas season. Maruthi is the director and Rashi Khanna is the leading lady.
Along with this Sharwanand and Samantha starrer untitled film will release on December 20th. The film is the remake of Tamil super hit film 96 and is directed by Prem Kumar. Dil Raju’s Sri Venkateswara Creations are the producers. On the whole, three films will clash during the Christmas season. Along with these, Ravi Teja’s Disco Raja and Nithiin’s Bheeshma too are announced for release but the latest update is that their releases are pushed because of three films already in the race.