SS Rajamouli’s next magnum opus RRR is currently under shoot. NTR and Ram Charan are the lead actors in this high voltage action drama that will release next year. The other day, the makers unveiled the names of the other female lead and the lead antagonists. Rajamouli also made it clear that RRR will release in ten languages. Along with nine Indian languages, RRR will have a wide English release across the globe. The movie is expected to have a lavish international release.
Rajamouli himself is busy finalizing the theatrical and non-theatrical deals. While the film is made on a budget of Rs 400 crores, the total business is expected to touch Rs 1000 crores. Rajamouli is also in plans to tie up with some Hollywood studios to get a decent screen count across other countries. Alia Bhatt and Olivia Morris are the leading ladies and Ajay Devgn, Samuthirakani will be seen in other crucial roles. DVV Entertainments are the producers and the film releases on July 30th 2020.