Malayalam blockbuster film Lucifer won the hearts of the Tollywood audience and Megastar Chiranjeevi, his son Ram Charan acquired the remake rights of the film. Though there were initial speculations that the film’s remake rights are acquired for Pawan Kalyan, it is clear that Pawan will not feature in the lead role in the remake of Lucifer. Ram Charan during his recent interview clarified that Megastar Chiranjeevi will play the lead role in the remake.
As per the latest update, Mega family scrapped the idea of the remake. Director Sukumar has been approached for the remake and he showed no interest in the film. Chiranjeevi and Charan even collected the feedback which was extremely negative. Chiranjeevi and Charan as of now decided to keep the project on hold but they would keep the rights of Lucifer.