King Nagarjuna is all set to back with a bang with Manmadhudu 2 which is said to be a romantic entertainer. Rahul Ravindran is the director and the shoot of Manmadhudu 2 is nearing completion. Rakul Preet Singh is the heroine and Samantha, Keerthy Suresh will be seen in special cameos. The makers unfolded the teaser of Manmadhudu 2 today and it looks entertaining with fresh one-liners and some rib-tickling comedy.
Nag nails it in style and he has a tailor-made role assigned. The teaser is fresh and is captured in lavish visuals, the background score is a treat and is high on entertainment. Chaitan Bharadwaj is the music director and Annapurna Studios, Manam Enterprises, Viacom 18 Studios and Anandi Art Creations are the producers. Manmadhudu 2 releases on August 9th all over.