Sankranthi happens to be one of the best seasons for films across Telugu states. A bunch of films have already been announced for Sankranthi 2020 release. Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru, Allu Arjun’s Nanna Nenu and Rajinikanth’s Darbar are already gearing up for a wide release during the season. Sai Dharam Tej’s Prathi Roju Pandage and Sharwanand’s Srekaram too have been in the race.
King Nagarjuna who is yet to start the shoot of Bangarraju planned to release the film during the season. But with a bunch of releases already, he decided to push the release of Bangarraju to summer next year. Nag is not in a hurry and is focused on Bigg Boss 3 currently. The regular shoot of Bangarraju will start from September and the film will be directed by Kalyan Krishna Kurasala. Naga Chaitanya is the other lead actor and Annapurna Studios will produce the project.