Nandamuri Balakrishna is all set to test his luck in the role of his father NTR in the prestigious biopic titled NTR. Krish is the director and the film will release as two parts as NTR – Kathanayakudu and NTR – Mahanayakudu. The film’s first installment will release on January 9th during Sankranthi 2019 and the film completed all the censor formalities today.
NTR – Kathanayakudu has been passed without a single cut and the film has been issued clean U certificate. The makers have been appreciated for the film’s content and the way the film has been presented and adopted. The entire film looked far from controversies. NBK Films, Vibri Media and Vaaraahi Chalana Chitram are the producers. NTR – Kathanayakudu is carrying mighty expectations.