Nandamuri Balakrishna is one actor who is not bothered about the track record of the director who approaches him. He worked with Puri Jagannadh earlier for Paisa Vasool. Though the film did not rake money, Balayya promised one more film for Puri Jagannadh and the top director revealed this several times during his recent interviews. Puri is now all set to direct Balakrishna once again.
The talented director bounced back recently with his recent outing Ismart Shankar. He is currently enjoying the success of the film and is on a break. The latest update we hear is that Puri will work on the script of his next and will direct Balakrishna in his next film. An official announcement would be made soon. Balakrishna is busy with KS Ravikumar’s Ruler which will roll soon. The film releases next year.