Young actor Ram desperately needs a decent break and the actor pinned all his hopes on his next film Hello Guru Prema Kosame. The film has been directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkina and completed shoot recently. Anupama Parameshwaran is the female lead and Prakash Raj plays her father in this breezy romantic entertainer. The music album composed by Devi Sri Prasad has been out today and it has been impressive to the core.
Hello Guru Prema Kosame is a complete melodious package with good tunes and great lyrics. Hello Guru Prema Kosame music will stand out for a long time and should not be missed. The post-production work of Hello Guru Prema Kosame is in final stages and Dil Raju is producing Hello Guru Prema Kosame. The film will hit the screens on October 18th all over.