Vijay Devarakonda is back with a bang with his latest offering Dear Comrade. Directed by Bharat Kamma, Vijay plays a student leader in the film and Rashmika Mandanna is the female lead. Dear Comrade opened with a bang and registered the highest numbers among Vijay Devarakonda’s films. Dear Comrade collected a theatrical share of Rs 9.52 across the globe (Telugu version only).
Dear Comrade received a mixed response but the film has been outstanding on its first day. Dear Comrade theatrical rights are sold for Rs 26 crores and the film should do exceptional business in its first week to recover the investments. Justin Prabhakaran is the music composer and Mythri Movie Makers bankrolled Dear Comrade. Here are the first day collections of Dear Comrade:
Nizam: Rs 2.73 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 0.55 Cr
Vizag: Rs 0.89 Cr
East: Rs 0.88 Cr
West: Rs 0.53 Cr
Guntur: Rs 0.62 Cr
Krishna: Rs 0.33 Cr
Nellore: Rs 0.26 Cr
AP and Telangana: Rs 6.79 Cr
Rest of India: Rs 0.8 Cr
Rest of World: Rs 1.93 Cr
Total Worldwide: Rs 9.52 Cr