Veteran director Ram Gopal Varma is all set to test his luck with his next film titled Lakshmi’s NTR. The film focuses on NTR’s political journey after Lakshmi Parvathi entered his life. The trailer created a huge sensation all over and kept the expectations high on the film. The film has been initially planned for
Tag Archives: ntr biopic
NTR – Mahanayakudu Closing Collections
Nandamuri Balakrishna took things prestigiously for the biopic of his father. Unfortunately, the first installment of the film NTR – Kathanayakudu that released during Sankranthi ended up as a dud. The second installment NTR – Mahanayakudu released in February and the film too failed to register some decent numbers on board. The film even could
NTR – Kathanayakudu Closing Collections
NTR – Kathanayakudu was one of the most awaited films during Sankranthi and the movie carried massive expectations. The film is named as the biopic of legendary actor NTR and is directed by Krish. Nandamuri Balakrishna reprised the role of his father in this prestigious film that released across the globe on January 9th. NTR
Lengthy runtime for NTR – Kathanayakudu
Nandamuri Balakrishna took things prestigiously and produced the prestigious biopic of his father NTR and he essayed the title role. Krish is the director and Vidya Balan, Rana Daggubati, Sumanth, Kalyanram will be seen essaying other crucial roles. NTR will be releasing in two parts as NTR – Kathanayakudu and NTR – Mahanayakudu. The first
NTR – Kathanayakudu Censor Talk
Nandamuri Balakrishna is all set to test his luck in the role of his father NTR in the prestigious biopic titled NTR. Krish is the director and the film will release as two parts as NTR – Kathanayakudu and NTR – Mahanayakudu. The film’s first installment will release on January 9th during Sankranthi 2019 and
Balakrisha to surprise in a new look
Nandamuri Balakrishna shifted his complete focus on NTR, the prestigious biopic of his father NTR. The entire shoot of the film has been wrapped up and the makers announced that the film will release during Sankranthi. Balakrishna himself produced this prestigious film and he recently announced that he would soon team up with Boyapati Sreenu
NTR – Kathanayakudu Pre-release Business
Nandamuri Balakrishna is back to business with his next film NTR. Krish is the director and the prestigious biopic will be released in two installments as NTR – Kathanayakudu and NTR – Mahanayakudu. The movie has been carrying huge expectations and is hot in trade. The theatrical rights of NTR – Kathanayakudu have been picked
Who is playing NBK in NTR?
First Look of Vidya Balan from NTR
NTR is one of the most awaited films of Telugu cinema and this prestigious biopic is hitting the screens this Sankranthi. Krish is the director and Nandamuri Balakrishna is reprising NTR in the biopic. The last schedule of the film is taking place in Hyderabad and with this the entire shoot will be called off.