Superstar Mahesh Babu is shooting for an emotional family entertainer titled Maharshi. Vamshi Paidipally is the director and Pooja Hegde is the heroine. Bankrolled by Dil Raju, PVP and Ashwini Dutt, the film releases on April 5th during Ugadi. The actor gave his nod to Sukumar for his next film and wanted to come with a convincing commercial script. Sukumar penned couple of scripts but none of them left Mahesh excited.
A deadline has been imposed now and Sukumar has been asked to narrate the complete draft of the film by the end of January after which Mahesh will take the final call. Else Mahesh is in plans to team up with a young director and announce the film officially this month. Mahesh will wrap up a film and will work with Sukumar in this while instead of waiting for the top director. More details to be out soon.