Tollywood director Harish Shankar scored several hits in his career. After the release of Allu Arjun’s Duvvada Jagannadham, the talented director is yet to announce his next film. After a bunch of speculations, Harish Shankar is said to work on his next film which is the remake of Tamil blockbuster film Jigarthanda. Siddarth and Bobby Simha are the lead actors in this action drama.
Varun Tej agreed to play the lead antagonist in this action drama that will roll early next year. As per the latest news Naga Shaurya and Raj Tarun are in talks to play the lead role. One among them will be finalized at the earliest. Rashmika Mandanna is the heroine and she recently signed the project. Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta will bankroll the film on 14 Reels Plus banner.