Yatra is the prestigious biopic of legendary Congress leader YS Rajasekhar Reddy. Mahi V Raghav is the director and the entire shoot of the film got wrapped up in December. Malayalam actor Mammootty played the lead role as YSR in the prestigious film. Jagapathi Babu, Suhasini Maniratnam, Rao Ramesh, Anasuya, Posani Krishna Murali, Vinod Kumar and Sachin Khedekar will be seen in other pivotal roles.
The theatrical trailer of Yatra has been out today and it has been impressive to the core. The film’s trailer has some stunning episodes of YSR interacting with the people and how his decisions along with the foot march brought Congress back to power in the united Andhra Pradesh. The trailer shows that the film has been made on a lavish budget and involves crowds in every frame. Yatra trailer looks impressive and is releasing across th globe on February 8th. 70mm Entertainments are the producers.