With Megastar Chiranjeevi making it to the top, several youngsters from his family tested their luck and proved their mettle in Telugu cinema. Now Sai Dharam Tej’s brother Vaishnav Tej is all set to make his debut soon and the project has been locked recently after discussions for over several months. Buchi Babu, a protege of Sukumar impressed Mega family with a script and Sukumar is supervising the pre-production work personally.
Top production house Mythri Movie Makers will bankroll this film and the regular shoot starts this November. Touted to be a romantic entertainer, the makers are busy finalizing the female lead and other actors. The film will release during the first half of next year. Earlier there have been rumors that Sai Korrapati will launch Vaishnav Tej but the project landed in the hands of Mythri Movie Makers.