Megastar Chiranjeevi created a sensation with his comeback film Khaidi No 150. He has been working from the past one and half year on his next film titled Syeraa which is a big budget periodic drama that narrates about the life story of freedom fighter Uyyalavada Narasimha Reddy. Surendar Reddy is the director and Ram Charan is producing this prestigious film on Konidela Production Company banner.
As per the latest update, couple of buyers are quite interested to buy the Telugu theatrical rights for Rs 90 crores. Charan is quoting Rs 120 crores for the rights and he is in plans to close the deal at the earliest. The shoot of Syeraa has been completed already and the post-production work started recently. Charan is also in plans to close the satellite and digital rights of Syeraa. Amit Trivedi is the music director and Rathnavelu is handling the cinematography work.