Ram Charan’s latest outing Rangasthalam has been unstoppable at the box-office and the film ran with packed houses even in its third weekend. The movie raked huge money and emerged as the second highest grosser of Telugu cinema pushing Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Khaidi No 150. Rangasthalam collected Rs 106.43 crores in 17 days of its box-office run which is huge. Mythri Movie Makers produced the film and Sukumar directed Rangasthalam. Samantha is the female lead and Devi Sri Prasad composed the music. Here are the 17 days collections of Rangasthalam:
Nizam- 23.40C
Ceeded- 15.20C
Nellore- 2.91C
Guntur- 7.51C
Krishna- 6.20C
West- 5.31C
East- 6.69C
UA- 11.21C
AP and Telangana – 78.43C
Karnataka- 8.40C
ROI- 2.70C
Overseas- 16.90C
Total Worldwide – 106.43C