Top producer Dil Raju shares a close bonding with Superstar Mahesh Babu and the duo is working back for Mahesh’s next that will be directed by Vamshi Paidipally. The film is said to be a romantic drama and will roll from June. The actor requested Dil Raju to introduce his newphew Ashok Galla and Dil Raju has been in hunt for the right film. Ashok Galla is the son of TDP MP Galla Jaydev.
Krishna Reddy will direct Ashok’s debut film which will start rolling from June. Krishna Reddy earlier directed Sudheer Babu’s Aadu Magadra Bujji. The movie will be shot mostly in Srilanka and Dil Raju will produce this untitled film. The lead actors and the crew members are being finalized currently. Ashok Galla has been trained in all the crafts of cinema for over a year. More details to be announced soon.