Young actor Karthi is on a roll and is busy with several Tamil films. The actor assured that he would soon sign a straight Telugu film and the discussions are currently on. He is eagerly waiting for the release of his next film titled Dev. He is in Hyderabad promoting the film and Karthi interacted
Tag Archives: Karthi
Suriya all set to follow Karthi
Talented Tamil actor Suriya has a prominent place across the Telugu audience. The actor pinned many hopes on his next film which has been titled Thaana Serntha Kootam. Vignesh Shivan directed the movie and Thaana Serntha Kootam is the remake of Hindi blockbuster Special 26. Vignesh Shivan made enough changes for the script to suit
Karthi’s Khakee Censor Report
Young actor Karthi is sure one of the most prominent Telugu and Tamil actors. With enough fan base across Tamil and Telugu, the actor has been doing interesting films. He is all set with his next film Khakee which completed shoot recently. H Vinoth directed this action entertainer which has been inspired from real life
12 films releasing this Friday
With no big releases in November, several small films have been making their ways to theatres this month. With already a dozen films hitting the screens over the last couple of weeks, this week 12 films are hitting the screens. Khakee, London Babulu, Gruham, Devi Sri Prasad, Prema Entha Madhuram Priyuraalu Antha Khatinam, Snehameraa Jeevitham,