Young Tiger NTR for the first time is teaming up with his brother Kalyanram for a mass entertainer. The movie has been titled Jai Lava Kusa which has been directed by Bobby and is bankrolled by Nandamuri Kalyanram on NTR Arts. Rashi Khanna and Nivetha Thomas are the female leads in the film and Jai
Tag Archives: Jai Lava kusa
NTR’s Jai Lava Kusa Second Teaser Time
Tarak’s political outing with Jai Lava Kusa
NTR’s Jai Lava Kusa in Super Speed Pace
Tarak faces the heat of Bigg Boss
Young Tiger NTR is currently in Pune shooting for Jai Lava Kusa. Bobby is the director and Kalyanram is producing the film. Tarak has been locked to host the telugu version of the reality show Bigg Boss. The show will be telecasted from July 16th on Star MAA. However the actor has been facing so much