Film: O Pitta Katha
Standard: Bhavya Creations
Cast: Viswant, Sanjay Rao, Nitya Shetty, Brahmaji and others
Music: Pravin Lakkaraju
Cinematography: Sunil Kumar N
Manager: D Venkata Prabhu
Maker: Anand Prasad
Composed and Directed by Chendu Muddhu
Discharge date: March 6, 2020
Senior entertainer Brahmaji’s child Sanjay Rao is making debut as a lead legend in ‘O Pitta Katha’. Brahmaji has effectively figured out how to make a buzz around this little film by making all the top famous people tweeting about it. He likewise went besieging that interesting screenplay of the film is the primary feature.
We should break down.
Set in Kakinada, the film rotates around a little youngster Venkata Lakshmi (Nitya Shetty), her bava Krish (Viswant) who comes back from China, and her darling Prabhu (Sanjay Rao).
Venkata Lakshmi’s dad documents a grumbling with the police that her girl Venkata Lakhsmi who left for an outing in Araku has been missing. Police get the data that her vehicle collided with the valley.
The investigator (Brahmaji) first suspects Krish yet he later comprehends that he’s more extravagant than Venkata Lakshmi and he’s infatuated with her. Prabhu is the regular suspect. In any case, the cop understands that Prabhu is additionally guiltless.
At that point who is the guilty party? What is the genuine turn in the story?
Artistes’ Performances:
Let’s face it, notwithstanding Viswant all the on-screen characters need engaging countenances and their exhibitions are additionally awkward. Viswant who appeared in Yeleti’s ‘Manmantha’ suits for the job of an outside brought fellow back.
Brahmaji plays in his normal style. Brahmaji’s child Sanjay Rao doesn’t have hopes to assume the lead legend jobs. The new comic has given a couple of comic punches.
Specialized Excellence:
The film has brilliant visuals because of good camerawork and wonderful areas. The creation configuration is additionally calculable. The screenplay is intriguing. Discoursed are alright. Music is normal.
Lead on-screen characters
Powerless portrayal
No high focuses
‘Pitta Katha’ signifies anecdote, a little story that closes with an ethical exercise. Right now Viswant, Nithya and senior on-screen character Brahmaji’s child Sanjay Rao, the story is likewise extremely basic, nearly paper-flimsy.
The new executive has depended vigorously on the last wind. To be reasonable, the turns are fascinating. The screenplay, however goes on anticipated lines, keeps us locks in. Be that as it may, we need to endure watching antiquated bava-maradalu track, the dull scenes of a rich young lady’s sentiment with a fit-in vain person before getting the wind at last. These scenes test tolerance. Since they are threadbare, and the on-screen characters need the two looks and acting abilities.
The sentimental track among Nithya and Brahmaji’s child is very exhausting. She continues smacking all over and the chief idea it is a sentimental motion between this couple!
The new chief has a yen for parody is apparent in incidental circumstances that have created great giggles. Model: a solitary screen possessed by courageous woman’s dad screens a delicate pornography film named ‘Rendava Ratri’.
The legend inquires as to why this title. She answers, it is a continuation of a film called ‘Modati Ratri’. Some parody lines mouthed by legend’s companion causes you to wince.
With everything taken into account, ‘Pitta Katha’ resembles a short film that is extended past a point. In spite of the fascinating turns, the general experience doesn’t tempt a lot.
Main concern: Poorly Executed!