Comic actors Allari Naresh and Sunil teamed up for a comedy entertainer Silly Fellows. Bheemaneni Srinivas Rao is the director and Chitra Shukla, Nandini Rai are the female leads. The movie has been produced by Blue Planet Entertainments and People Media Factory banners. Silly Fellows released across the globe today. Here is the complete review of the movie:
Silly Fellows is the story of Veera Babu (Allari Naresh) and Suri Babu (Sunil). While Veera Babu is a talior. Suri Babu gets married to a dancer (Nandini Rai) to impress MLA (Jayaprakash Reddy). It is during this time, Veera Babu and Suri Babu comes to know about Rs 500 crore deal of MLA. The rest of Silly Fellows is all about their efforts in stealing the huge amount and settle in life. Watch Silly Fellows to know about the film.
Rib tickling comedy at times
First Half
Allari Naresh and Sunil
Poor plot
Logicless narration
Boring Second half
Allari Naresh has been top notch with his comic timing and delivers out his best once again. Sunil is an asset for the movie and he is back to thoroughly entertain the audience. He is one of the major strengths for the film. Naresh and Sunil share a good bonding and they shared the entertainment well. Chitra Shukla and Nandini Rai have been decent with their roles. Posani Krishna Murali and Jayaprakash Reddy will leave the audience smiling throughout. All the other actors have been decent.
Silly Fellows has been based on entertainment alone and it lacks an interesting plot. Each and every scene has been penned based on the entertainment leaving the logics. The dialogues have been decent. The music and the background score make no impact. The cinematography work has been decent. The production values have been apt. Bheemaneni Srinivas Rao has been focussed completely on entertainment alone which fails to impress the audience big time.
Silly Fellows has been partially entertaining and is a let down because of the stale plot and logicless narration. Allari Naresh and Sunil shines perfectly in this comic caper.
Rating: 2/5