Young actor Adivi Sesh is riding high with back to back hits. After a super hit like Goodachari, the actor tasted one more super hit with Evaru. The film is made on a budget of Rs 5 crores and it is fetching Rs 20 crores finally. The actor signed Major, an action drama that is based on the life story of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan who martyred during the 26/11 attacks in Mumbai. The regular shoot of Major starts from November.
As per the latest update, Adivi Sesh will be losing 10kgs for the role. He will be seen in a lean and fit avatar for the role in Major. The actor is on a strict diet and will be losing huge weight in the next two months before he starts shooting for Major. Sashi Kiran Tikka will direct Major and GMB Entertainments, Sony Pictures are the producers. Major releases next year.