Mega Prince Varun Tej has been doing interesting films in his career. After the super success of F2, he is back with Gaddalakonda Ganesh and the film that released recently received top class response from the audience. The actor is on a break and he will soon team up with a debutant Kiran Korrapati for a sports drama. Varun Tej and Allu Arjun’s brother Allu Bobby will produce the film jointly.
Venky Atluri made an impressive debut with Varun Tej’s Tholi Prema in the past. He is currently working with Rang De that features Nithiin in the lead role. Soon after this, Venky Atluri will return back to team with Varun Tej for a romantic drama that will roll during the second half of this year. Dil Raju will produce this film which is yet to be titled.