Ram Charan has been struggling for the right hit from the past few years. The actor pinned many hopes on his next film Rangasthalam for which he dedicated over a year. Sukumar is the director of the film and Samantha is the female lead. Rangasthalam features Prakash Raj, Jagapathi Babu, Aadhi Pinisetty, Anasuya Bharadwaj played other pivotal roles in Rangasthalam. The movie released all over and it received positive buzz all over.
Ram Charan’s performance has been widely appreciated all over by the audience.Rangasthalam opened loud and the film is expected to end up as the biggest opener in the actor’s career. Rangasthalam raked over $ 600k through premieres which is highest for Charan in USA. Grand technical values and the production values make the film one of the finest ones in the recent times. Top performances and the emotional drama along with rustic narration are the film’s highlights. Rangasthalam has been receiving positive buzz from all the corners of the globe.