Energetic Star Ram is quite delighted with the super success of his recent offering Ismart Shankar. The movie directed by Puri Jagannadh ended up as the biggest hit in the actor’s career. Ram is not in a hurry and is listening to scripts from the past three months. None of the scripts impressed the actor after which he decided to remake Tamil blockbuster film Thadam. Kishore Tirumala is on board to direct this action thriller.
The entire script work of the film got completed and the regular shoot commences during the mid of November. Nivetha Pethuraj and Malvika Sharma have been roped in as the female leads. While Nivetha Pethuraj is the leading lady, Malvika has a limited role assigned. Both the actresses loved their roles and they signed the movie. Sri Sravanthi Movies will produce this interesting film and Ram is in plans to release the film during summer 2020.