Sensational director Puri Jagannadh desperately needs a massive hit to make his comeback in Telugu cinema. The ace director pinned many hopes on his next film titled Mehbooba. Touted to be a love story, Aakash Jagannadh and Neha Shetty are playing the lead roles. The entire post-production work of the film has been wrapped up recently and Mehbooba completed its censor formalities today.
Mehbooba has been awarded U/A certificate and the members of the censor board appreciated the film’s content. Mehbooba has been passed without a single cut and it is set in the backdrop of India – Pakistan war in 1971. Sandeep Chowta is the music composer and top producer Dil Raju acquired the theatrical rights of Mehbooba. Puri Jagannadh Touring Talkies bankrolled Mehbooba which has been mostly shot in Himachal region.
#Mehbooba censored with U/A certificate. A film by @purijagan.
Grand worldwide release on May 11th by Sri Venkateswara Films.— Sri Venkateswara Creations (@SVC_official) May 3, 2018