Stylish Star Allu Arjun announced three back to back films after taking a year’s break. He started shooting for Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo in the direction of Trivikram and the film releases for Sankranthi 2020. Allu Arjun wanted to shoot for Venu Sriram’s Icon and Sukumar’s action thriller simultaneously without breaks. But the latest update says that the actor has new plans. Venu Sriram’s Icon is shelved and the film will not happen.
On the other hand, Sukumar’s film will get its official launch tomorrow with a pooja ceremony. The regular shoot commences in December and the schedule lasts for 15 days. The film will be shot without breaks after Sankranthi. Rashmika Mandanna is the leading lady and Vijay Sethupathi essays the role of the lead antagonist. Mythri Movie Makers are the producers and this untitled film releases during the end of 2020. Finally, Allu Arjun changed plans and will go ahead with Sukumar’s film.