After the super success of Geetha Govindam, the film’s director Parasuram had dreams of directing big actors. He was in talks with Allu Arjun for his next film but things did not materialize. Soon he penned an interesting script for Mahesh Babu and after a long wait, it is confirmed that Mahesh is not completely convinced with the script. Parasuram has been idle from the past one year and he finally decided to move on.
As per the latest update, Parasuram will go ahead and will work with Akhil Akkineni for his next film. The movie will start rolling early next year once Akhil wraps up his next film. Parasuram is currently busy penning the script. Allu Aravind will bankroll this project on Geetha Arts banner. This untitled film will release during the second half of 2020.