Supreme Star Sai Dharam Tej is shattered with back to back debacles and the actor pinned many hopes on his next film which is directed by Karunakaran. The movie has been slated for June release and Anupama Parameshwaran is the female lead. The actor has been in talks for a series of interesting films and his next would be directed by Kishore Tirumala who recently directed Ram’s Vunnadi Okkate Zindagi. The pre-production work of this untitled film is in final stages and the regular shoot will commence from June.
Lie fame Megha Akash is in talks to play the female lead and the actress is yet to give her nod. The actress recently wrapped up her part for Nithiin’s Chal Mohan Ranga which will release during April. Megha Akash has been approached to romance Akhil in his next film that will be directed by Venky Atluri. The latest news we hear is that Megha is in talks for Sai Dharam Tej’s film and an official announcement will be made soon. Mythri Movie Makers will produce this prestigious film.