Young Tiger NTR is back testing his luck with his recent outing Aravindha Sametha Veera Raghava. Directed by Trivikram, Aravindha Sametha Veera Raghava is said to be a high voltage action packed family entertainer and Pooja Hegde played the heroine. Aravindha Sametha Veera Raghava released on October 11th and it received decent response all over. The film raked Rs 65.10 crores in fourt days of its box-office run. Aravindha Sametha already raked $ 1.5M in Overseas and inching towards 2M USD.
The movie has to perform well during the weekdays to recover the investments completely. SS Thaman is the music composer and Haarika and Hassine Creations are the producers. Here are the first weekend collections of Aravindha Sametha Veera Raghava:
Nizam: Rs 13.82 Cr
Ceeded: Rs 9.30 Cr
Vizag: Rs 5.56 Cr
East: Rs 4.04 Cr
West: Rs 3.18 Cr
Krishna: Rs 3.10 Cr
Guntur: Rs 6.10 Cr
Nellore: Rs 1.80 Cr
AP and Telangana: Rs 46.90 Cr
Rest of India: Rs 7.50 Cr
Rest of World: Rs 10.70 Cr
Worldwide Total: Rs 65.10 Cr