Young actor Allu Sirish has been struggling for success and he pinned all his hopes on his next film ABCD. The film has been inspired from a Malayalam blockbuster ABCD and the story is all about an American youngster. Sanjeev Reddy directed ABCD and Ruskhar Dhillon played the female lead. Bharath and Raja will be seen in other crucial roles. Madhura Sreedhar Reddy and Yash Rangineni produced ABCD which is releasing in decent number of screens today. Here is the review of ABCD:
ABCD is the story of Avi (Allu Sirish), the only son of NRI Businessman (Naga Babu) who leads a lavish life partying hard. He is not bothered about money and to teach him a lesson, his father sends him to India. He struggles for money and leads a simple life. He joins MBA and stands for the slums revolting against the chemical factory problem. Watch ABCD to know about the struggles of Avi and how he realizes about the value of money and settles in life.
Allu Sirish’ subtle performance
Vennela Kishore and Bharat
Decent first half
Dragged second half
Predictable presentation
Technical standards
Allu Sirish stuns in the role of Avi and he delivered his best for the film. He looks apt and perfect in the role of Avi. Ruskhar has a decent role and she delivered her best. Raja has a strong and powerful role as an antagonist and he shines with perfection. Vennela Kishore, as usual, delivers the much-needed entertainment in the role. Bharat has a full-length role and he did his part well. All the other actors have been good in their roles.
The story of ABCD is inspired from Malayalam film ABCD. The screenplay and dialogues are pretty average. The music and the cinematography have been good. The editing looks crisp and the production values look decent. Sanjeev Reddy has been ok with his directorial abilities. All the actors looked apt and performed well.
Final Word:
ABCD is not the film Allu Sirish is looking for. Though the film looks ok, it will fall short of getting commercial numbers in its final run.
Rating: 2.5/5