After NTR ended up as a disaster, the focus shifted towards Lakhsmi’s NTR. The film is directed by Ram Gopal Varma and Agasthya Manju which is focused completely on the last days of NTR’s life and some controversial episodes. The second trailer of Lakhsmi’s NTR is now out and it is all about the neck
Tag Archives: trailer
2.0 Theatrical Trailer: Updated version for Robo
Prabhas appreciates ‘Paper Boy’ Trailer
‘Baahubali’ Prabhas has showered his compliments on ‘Paper Boy’ trailer. Prabhas watched the trailer with ‘Paper Boy’ team and after watching he interacted with them for sometime. Speaking Prabhas said, “The trailer and songs are fresh and has very good visuals. Shoban garu did give me my first biggest hit in the form of ‘Varsham.’