Young actor Vijay Devarakonda is racing to the top with back to back hits. After a disaster like NOTA, the actor managed to release Taxiwaala which has been delayed by months. Rahul Sankrityan is the director and Vijay Devarakonda played a cab driver in this horror thriller. Taxiwaala raked Rs 9.12 crores in two days
Tag Archives: taxiwaala
Vijay Devarakonda’s next Postponed
Vijay Devarakonda recently scored an earth shattering hit with Geetha Govindam which collected over Rs 65 crores. The actor wrapped up the shoot of NOTA which has been aimed for October release. Anand Shankar is the director of the film and Mehreen is the female lead. Satyaraj and Nassar will be seen playing other pivotal