Veteran actor Rajasekhar made his comeback with PSV Garuda Vega. Soon after this, Rajasekhar completed the shoot of his next film titled Kalki. Prasanth Varma is the director and Adah Sharma, Nanditha Swetha are the heroines. Rajasekhar essays the role of a ruthless cop and the makers released the first teaser of the film today.
Tag Archives: rajshekar
Rajasekhar’s next to be made on massive budget
Rajasekhar who has been struggling for success scored it and bounced back with PSV Garudavega last year. Not in a hurry, Rajasekhar is busy picking up interesting films. He signed his next film for Prasanth Varma who recently directed Awe. The film will roll from October and the female lead, other actors are being finalized.